Texas Ayurvedic Wellness Center and Holistic Spa's Blog

Wellness Treatments are an Investment in Better Health

March 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Texas Ayurvedic Wellness Center and Holistic Spa • Permalink

Your budget is tight, and you're cutting back. You're eating fewer dinners out, skipping the morning latte on your way to work, or maybe settling for a "staycation" rather than going away. But wellness treatments such as facials, massages and yoga can actually be wise investments in your health and well being. Spending a few dollars now often translates to better health and well being down the line.


A massage is more than relaxing. The Mayo Clinic reports that massage can help control your blood pressure. Are you feeling tense and worked up? Massage can also help lift a depressed mood and relieve stress. If you're a weekend warrior, massage is also an accepted treatment for pain and stiffness associated with sports injuries.

While it's nice for a friend or a romantic partner to give you a massage, a trained professional can incorporate different techniques to address specific concerns. For instance, deep tissue massage is designed to ease away the pain of injured muscles, while Swedish massage is ideal for easing away everyday stress.


You know that facials feel great. But facials are more than a feel-good luxury. Facials can rid your complexion of pore-clogging debris and dead skin cells that can trigger acne breakouts and make you look tired and older than you are.

In healthy skin, dead skin cells are regularly sloughed away, and replaced by fresh, new skin lubricated by sebum. However, as you age, skin turnover slows, so that dead skin cells accumulate. Combined with sebum and impurities in the atmosphere, dead skin cells can clog pores, causing inflammation that results in blackheads and whiteheads.

The steam in facials loosens the grip of impurities blocking your pores, allowing blackheads to be washed away. Facials also loosen the grip of dead skin cells that dull your complexion. Combined with regular exfoliation treatments, facials can help you look fresher and younger.


More than twisting yourself up like a pretzel, yoga has benefits that can improve your health and your quality of life. The Mayo Clinic reports that yoga is routinely recommended as an enhancement for treating a variety of disorders, including cancer and depression. Maintaining a regular yoga practice can increase your flexibility, relieve joint stiffness and even help you lose weight. Yoga can also reduce your blood pressure and relieve insomnia and anxiety.

While it's true that it's possible to learn yoga on your own, joining a class with an experienced instructor ensures that you learn the proper techniques. Your instructor can also help you modify poses to accommodate limitations such as a bad back, reducing the chance that you might hurt yourself. It's also just more fun to enjoy the camaraderie of other students, especially if you're a beginner.

An Investment In Yourself

It's understandable that you might feel as though wellness treatments are a selfish indulgence, especially if you have a family. But wellness treatments are a relatively inexpensive way to help you look and feel your best. And when you're at your best, you also have more to give to your family, your work and to your community.

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Tips for a Better Skincare Routine

February 18th, 2014 • Posted by Texas Ayurvedic Wellness Center and Holistic Spa • Permalink

Taking proper care of your skin will determine how your skin looks and feels. We all want the best looking skin and we all want to age gracefully. It is necessary to use the right products for your particular skin and we have a quick guide to get you started. There are five main skin types - normal, combination, oily, dry and sensitive. Knowing yours is a vital first step to planning a routine, and choosing which treatments are best suited to your skin's needs. A visit with our professionals is a sure way to find out, but knowing which of the five basic categories you fall into can also easily be self-diagnosed.


If you have a normal complexion, you may consider yourself to be favored by the skin Gods. Normal skin is the least problematic of the five types making up the spectrum. A quick study of your skin in the mirror upon rising in the morning, is unlikely detect any oil; pores are also minimal. Your skin has an even tone, feels smooth to the touch and has a supple or elastic consistency. A minimal or basic skin care routine is usually all that's required to care for normal skin types, and perhaps the best news about normal skin is that it ages well.


Because it requires a skin care routine that encompasses both moisture and oil control, combination skin is one of the hardest types to care for. If you have combination skin, you are likely to have an oily ‘t-zone' (forehead, nose and chin) and pores around your nose are likely to be larger than usual. Around the eyes, and the cheeks are usually dry, and will benefit from rich moisturizers and creams. Thorough cleansing, and oil control products should be focused on the t-zone.


Oily skins are often problematic. Enlarged pores and excess oil on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin lead to regular breakouts. Your skin care regimen should be carefully chosen. A common mistake oily skin types make is over cleaning, and using harsh cleansers. This constant stripping of the skin may result in excess oil production. Opt for light, oil free moisturizers, although, believe it or not, some natural oils actually help to balance oily complexions. Consult our skin care professionals to find out more. Finally, the brightest ray of hope for oily skin types is that you age best. Those oils help to keep wrinkles at bay, so that later in life, you may just wake up with the skin you've always wanted.


Dry skin types easily develop fine lines and wrinkles. This skin type is usually tight and may feel stretched or taught to the touch. Because dry skins produce insufficient amounts of oil, this skin type lacks the protective barrier required to protect it from various external elements. Rich and regular moisturizing is required for dry skin types, and extra caution should be taken to protect the skin in extreme or severe weather conditions.


The most problematic and fragile of the five skin types, sensitive skin, is often red, tight and itchy. This skin type is prone to irritation and breakouts. A great deal of research and care should be taken when planning a regimen for sensitive skin types, giving care not to use products that exacerbate your sensitivities. Consulting with our skin care professionals to help you choose the right products for your skin care routine is highly advised.

Finding a skin care regimen that you're comfortable with and that works can often be a process of ‘trial and error'. Be sure to visit our aestheticians to discuss your concerns and to get help planning your regime. Once you find a routine that works for you, be faithful to it, because it just may be a key component to helping you grow old gracefully.

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Massage Can Lift Depression

February 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Texas Ayurvedic Wellness Center and Holistic Spa • Permalink

Depression affects 1 in 10 adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The condition can take a toll on the mind and body and is often difficult to treat. Researchers are constantly looking for ways to improve the symptoms associated with depression, which include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, aches, and feelings of hopelessness. Research shows that massage, along with traditional medical treatment, can alleviate some symptoms of depression.

Improving Care

While the causes of depression are still being studied, there is evidence that those suffering from depression have lower serotonin levels. Serotonin, also known as the feel-good hormone, increases during massage. This boost in a person's overall mood and well-being is why the American Massage Therapy Association believes massage is beneficial to those struggling with depression.

Best type of massage to treat depression

Research suggests Swedish massage may be the best spa treatment to improve symptoms of depression. This massage, which involves fluid, comforting strokes to the body, is one of the most relaxing massage treatments. It's known for calming the mind and easing tension from the body.

Talk with your doctor

If you or someone you know is fighting depression, massage may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms. Of course, patients should always consult their doctor about the best combination of treatments.

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